Frequently Asked Questions For The 4-12 Month Self-Guided Sleep Program

Why is the Self-Guided Sleep Program (4-12 Months) so inexpensive in comparison to other Sleep Consultants guides?

This is a great question. Everyone at Love&Lullabies felt that it was important to have products/services available for everyone so that meant meeting everyone's budgets. Having a baby under one is hard but to add not sleeping, makes things a lot harder. I (Kimberly-Founder) remember when my first wasn't sleeping and how hard that time in my life was. At the time, I couldn't gamble $300 on working with a Sleep Consultant so I stayed in that dark place for a while and other areas in my life started to fall a part. Also, infant child development and mental health support are really important to me as my background is also in Infant Child Development and Mental Health Services. 

Does the guide have everything in it?

Yes, the guide covers everything you need to know from 4-12 months old. We do offer a complimentary service that is cheaper than our other services because some parents like the on-going support from a professional to feel confident that they're doing things right. However, the guide is successful on it's own.

When will I see results?

We recently completed a study from our direct clients and the clients who have purchased this manual (who shared their results with us) and the majority seen results on the second day. The next group seen results on the third day.

What if I have questions about the manual?

We're always an email away. We take pride in having our method work so if something isn't working for you, please email us. We also want to make sure your family gets the sleep they need as fast as they can.

What methods are in this book?

We have two methods in this book which is the Pick Up Put Down Method and a Modified Cry It Out Method. We found these two approaches work best with our clients because they were able to stick to the program. The Methods are explained more under our resources. We do want to note that the method is only a small part of our sleep coaching and the work put in the day is where most of the magic happens.

What's the biggest difference your company has to offer?

I (Kimberly-Founder) want to say that our company’s biggest difference is the empathy we have for parents/caregivers struggling with their children not sleeping but my hopes is that other companies feel this way too.

We also feel that every child doesn’t fit a one-size-fits-all approach and with our wake window formula we give parents the opportunity to easily recognize if the “average” wake window isn’t working for their child.

We also wanted to provide a book that covers everything you need to know from 4 months to a year instead of separating age groups (like 4-5 months) because we felt that was a money grab.

If you have any other questions about this manual prior to purchasing, please email us at